Monday, October 13, 2008

popped in2 my head

do u eva feel wen your on a plane, u dont actually leave ur city, its the actual city around u that changes, like ppl control ur world like move land and houses, etc and change it in2 how everyone thinks of it 2 be, sorry i know it sounds kinda wierd, but i reckon a big influence came from 'The Truman Show". But imagine if ur whole world was a show.........maybe 4 aliens 2 watch on their televisions and they get their entertainment from watching us, so like, they know wenu play with urselves, in bed with ur misses, doing a dump on the can, etc...................ain't that scary, wuddnt u wanna 'do it' with a hot alien chick, yeah i wud....

Just recently i made a facebook group about '831 The Ghetto Kidz'. When i made it last nite i thought it was kinda cool, thinking heaps of ppl will join it and all, but wen i think about it now, seems really lame, i guess it was just a spontaneous thing i did, plus previous convos i've had with the boys bout ghettoness with food, rafting, cruising, cl0thing, etc. I tried 2 describe in the facebook group as hard out gangsters(but without the violence and the REAL gangster shit) but really just made us look like a bunch of guys/gals hanging out, do wat normal youngans do & that are particularly the same as any A.B.A. in brizzy, well i tried..............haha

This picture on the left is a pic my mate made 4 another mates bday, cool aye, im pretty sure its from that guitar hero game and as u can see its got me & my friends faces on it; me as the drummer, Christine on rhythm guitar, Alex on lead guitar & Clifford as singer, the other dude was just wat the picture was originally. We've been playing rock band alot @ alex's place on his Wii and it gets pretty intense, since its his game, he is pro on everything, pretty much he can play by himself using both instruments and sing @ the same time, haha just pulling ur leg sif hes that good but still hes fucking awesome

Sorry 4 not blogging as much, heaps of shit happened in the past few weeks and yeah, its just a matter of remembering of wat happened haha. Hopefully Part 2 of the weekend wont be 2 long, just cant really be fucked typing & wen i'm even bothered 2 do it, i have started so don't worry


Janice Trieu said...

While you were creating your fag-ass Facebook group, you could've written your Part 2 of your memorable weekend you loser.

Are you on drugs man? Seriously.... You been babbling a lot of shit out of your ass these past few days hey.

Ly Truong said...

whereeeee's all the blogging gone to mate? where have you gooone? you do know that i miss your fillllo ass right?