Sunday, September 28, 2008

Easily A Memorable Weekend Part 1

Fucking great weekend this 1 was aye. After doing the gravyard shift @ work, went 2 the great house of gambling but by the time i got home, chucked on my makeup and got back in2 the city, nhan & dieu already were on a losing streak & called it quits.................

Being utterly dissapointed, luckily the beautiful janice rung me 2 go 'hang' so yeah got a lift 2 sunnybank maccas 2 meet up with them.....................poor ly, being viet its in his blood 2 be a hoon & unluckily 4 him he got done by pigs while on the way back from the coast, but hey shit happens., sumtimes "u just gotta let ur hair down" hahaha! Anyways we decided 2 do sum fishing in the ol' fishing hole AKA our Brisbane River..........coming 2 another dissapointment 2 janices, phucs & lys nite of fishing, we caught nothing.......................there were nibbles which gave us sum hope, but none were strong enuff 2 strike 2 land a fish, but fishing aint just about the fish, its also about the atmosphere, relaxation, tranquility...................well thats wat every1 says but i still want a fucking fish haha, even tho im not a fan of our oceanic/river dwelling friends, my mum 4 sure luvs eating them, & i sure do like making her happy wen i've caught sumthing 4 her 2 eat, also 2 save her munny @ markets n stuff. Twas fun but yeah, no

Waking up suprisingly early 2 go 2 work @ 9am i have a quick 1 in the bed 2 relieve sum joking buddies, hahaha but yeah looking like wolverine i decided 2 not bother showering nor gay up my hair, so i just chucked on sumthing half decent, had a bit of breaky then caught the bus............................on the way 2 work, heaps of shit was going on in my mind.............ok ok heres the deal: my boss just came back from her holiday, shes been gone 4 2 weeks and my 2IC was in charge, since it was a bit more relaxed now we could go @ a more comfortable pace, but there were alot of things that weren't done, wen the boss is around we can accomplish alot, but yeah 2 me seemed like a day was wasted, and that went on 4 a fortnight. So anyways i was thinking 2 myself " soooo gonna cop it aye, shes gonna start spitting chips!!!"but wen i got there..........................there was nothing much really she brought up, only sed why wasnt this done ra ra ra but nothing she sed was job threatening, phew! Throughout the whole day was good, we set a goal 2 do all this merchandising and getting all this stock done 4 the new catalogue but in the end of the day we really didnt no much of anything, haha, funnily enuff she was happy with my work 4 the day, didnt know where that came from but she was happy, possibly from all the dirty talk and interesting things i say while we work, no matter how old a person is or wise or whateva, i talk 2 u on my level, so i talk about sexual stuff, gay stuff, yeah u know, that kinda thing.

Part 2 coming up, sorry gotta go bed; work in the morning

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