Sunday, January 11, 2009

been a while

omg, its been friggin 4eva since i last posted, i saw the date of my last post and man, pretty bad on keeping shit up 2 date. Fooly there has been heaps of stuff been going on since then, fucking birthdays, parties, etc............................all costing me munnies, and atm i'm still getting a shitty-ass wage at LOWES, but yeah its not like if fucking got off my arse n done anything about it, well now since im on a 1 week holiday from work, i can try/attempt 2 look 4 a new job, sumthing that will give me weekends off, but not a totally full time position, meaning i want a 3 day weekend, hoping.

Anyways, my luv life hasnt changed, finally over the previous girl i was so called 'in 2' and recently been diggin this other bird, but she aint showing any luv in my direction, so yeah im still gonna go with flow, keep meeting friends of friends n stuff, meet randoms at clubs, giving them a friendly hi5 and saying their cool n shit, yeah man, anything is possible wen ur maggot 2 the max

My family has been pretty sweet, even tho i didnt spend xmas with them, felt kinda guilty i didnt go, since the last 2 years in the past i didnt go, dunno y i never attend, i cant really recollect having a shitty time, pretty sure it was an ok xmas................i remember 1 xmas day, went 2 my sisters in-laws place 2 spend chrissy and we played this game called mafia(apparently can be called sumthing else) and yeah was fooly heaps of fun, kinda hard 2 explain the rules but almost won the game but sum1 caught me out, coz i was on the bad-guy side, aw haha. And 4 new years i again ditched my family and spent it with friends, my mate jimmy got an apartment out and yeah had a couple there then went 2 meet up with other mates in the valley, overall the nite wasnt super mega awesome, probably coz its new years, overrated i rekon, plus everywhere is fooly expensive, mystique was apparently 35 bucks, fuck that shit, im way 2 ghetto 2 pay that much, so pretyt much i ended up in the beat & rockafellas, ghettoness 2 the max. 2 be honest, if i did have more family here in brisbane, like actual blood related family, id probably be around them most of the time, but since i dont, i just kick it with friends and pretty much they are my family and i'm glad 2 have each and every 1 of them, aw, so sweet!!!

Can't believe its 2009 already, looking back now, still havent done shit all in my life, 5 years outta HS, still got 1 subject left 2 do in tafe; but cbf going there n doing it, still in a boring as job, no gf, no licence, no car, still a chubby fillow...................this year i really wanna change everything, probably first of all get a job, as i sed b4 i need a 3 day weekend, well not even that, as long as i get a day off either during the week or wateva i'll be sweet, from there, id start 2 save a bit of munny, n from there join a gym or wateva 2 get fit, get lessons done, get a pretty much all i need is another job......................then everything else will fall in2 place, apart from the gf thing that is. atm i really dont need a gf, like, i already have enuff g-friends as it is, my mates keep asking 'hey molo, introduce me 2 ur friends' but im always very protective, coz i know wat most guys are thinking and wat their intentions are, so thats i always say 'their taken' but in all truth they aren't, im not being selfish or anything its just that i'd hate the thought of 1 of my g-friends of getting heart-broken from a wanker of a guy, theres a couple of girls that i know do that, like, they pretty much go out with the dude just 4 the sake of it, possibly bcoz their lonely, but which is bullshit coz i know their heaps of fun, i guess sum but most likely girls like the intimacy or in-2-me-i-see(sorry i got that off the love guru movie). Well i don't really know aye, no 1 knows wat goes on in a girls mind, seriously, sumtimes they just go skitz 4 no reason and omg, they hold grudges 4eva, not like dudes, we either just keep quiet and talk behind their back in our mind or fight it out then after 4get about it. But yeah im not really looking 4 any1, the last girl pretty much put me off girls 4 a while, so basically wen i go 2 clubs, all eye candy, haha, i a perv................but if there is a girl n if she did show sum luv my way, and if i as well did fancy her, 4 sho i'd go 4 it. There are things that can put u off tho, like, maybe other friends or ppl that have told u like 'i heard shes a slut' or like 'heard shes got rabies after have sex with that dog" haha, but anyway u shuddnt get put off by wat other ppl say, the only way 4 u 2 actually find out is 2 be there or in that position, its happened 2 me a couple of times, like i possibly cudda had a high school sweetheart but hearing wat other ppl say about them ruined it 4 me, so thats a big mistake i made in my past, but this year im just gonna take it as it comes, if shes skinny, over-weight, mono-brow(ahhh, maybe not haha), her 2nd toe is longer than the other, she has a slight mustache, etc.......................

ugh, i think i've had enuff of typing shit 4 now, even tho i havent filled u in with all the goss i know, but yeah till next month or so haha, dw i'll try 2 make another attempt b4 i start work again, but anyways, till next time

thundercats go!!!!

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