Thursday, September 25, 2008

another good nite

was a good nite last nite, we had dinner at our usual feeding grounds.....................The MS......REPRESENT!!! 2 be honest, market square is seriously the best place 2 eat....full cheap, tastes good and theres no whiteys 2 stare u down hahaha jokes! Went 2 malaya(which means 'free' in fillow) corner and got my favz hainan chicken(sooo cud go 4 another 1 rite now) then we went 2 go watch step brothers; at first i wasnt feeling up 2 it, thinking that all the good bits were shown on the preview but ended but a random funny movie........................hahaha. Luved it wen will ferrell was about 2 cry, had all the emotion in his face, haha, fully reminds me how i cry wud stir up in my system lol

Finishing around 11 most of us didnt really wanna go home so we all went 2 ly & thao's place......sumhow we talked about martin getting winded from a really lite blow 2 the body(what a bitch) then yeah..............we chucked on sum taekwondo padding which ly had wen he used it back in his day being the 10th dan and started punching each other in the gut. holy shit man, i full trusted ly that it wont hurt, fucking liar, full winded me hard out, but we kept doing it coz it was fun, how shame as well bloody bondi put the vid up on facebook of ly kicking the shit outta me, my rep is in landslide coz of that lol! later on we talked about death and our cultures, was really cool 2 learn how similar viets n fillows are in terms of superstition and voodoo and all that fready scary shit, ly had sum good stories which actually still freaking me out, man that asian is a scary cunt aye.

by the time every1 had enuff is was already 4am, fuck, i didnt even realise how late it was, but i guess wen ur having a good time, just goes real quick

while typing this real slow(since i cant touch type) I thought about the movie we watched and how my life is slowly moving in that direction, like, i dont wanna be the kinda dude who'll be @ home with no job, no woman, no life till im in my fourties/fifties, i dont wanna feel like a burden 2 my mother nor my relatives, it just looks real sad if ur in that situation and currently my life looks alot like home, playing games, doing wateva i want...................but while i see other ppl my age accomplishing things and setting goals, im still living like im still in high school, kinda makes me depressed in a way, but i suppose not every1 is the same, sum ppl start off young, sum start off old, so i really shuddnt make a big fuss, but i'd like 2 see myself sumwhere, not like these 2 old farts in Step Brothers who took ages 2 realise it, so from here on in, im actually gonna put @ least some effort 2wards my future, i dont know wat but i'll find sumthing......................i seriously dont wanna end up like those guys

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